6 Arrangements for Valentine’s Day

Here are a few romantic arrangements to inspire your Valentine’s Day bouquet


For the “I-can’t-wait-to-get-back-in the-garden” aficionado: hot pink garden roses and peonies that glisten in sunlight. | Floral design by Heather Barrie | Photo by Christopher Shane
For the hostess with impeccable taste: ‘Quicksand’ roses paired with other pale flowers and crawling jasmine vine in a monochromatic arrangement with understated elegance. | Floral design by Sarah Winward | Photo by Leo Patrone
For the mom whose house is always picture-perfect: a silver bowl packed with roses and ranunculus. | Floral design by Michal Evans | Interiors by Suzanne Kasler | Photo by Erica George Dines
For the nature-loving best friend: tall quince branches that evoke the promise of spring in an arrangement filled with tulips, peonies, lilacs, and sweet peas. | Floral design by Sullivan Owen | Photo by Alison Conklin
For the bride-to-be (or the bride of many years): shades of white, cream, and buff with touches of green in a romantic and classic bouquet. | Floral design by Robert Long | Photo by Erica George Dines
For the sister who is always the life of the party: bright blooms with varying textures and sizes that pack a punch. | Floral design by Tara Guérard | Photo by Brie Williams


By Jena Hippensteel