Margot Chats with Charlotte Moss

Join FLOWER magazine's Editor-in-Chief Margot Shaw as she catches up with the iconic interior designer and author Charlotte Moss

July 2020—Whether fundraising for Feeding America and No Kid Hungry or working on her 11th book, Charlotte Moss has been busier than ever in recent months. Flower magazine Editor-in-Chief Margot Shaw chats with the iconic interior designer and author in this video, brought to you by AmericasMart Atlanta.

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About Margot’s Fresh Picks

In ordinary circumstances, Flower magazine Editor-in-Chief Margot Shaw spends much of her time traveling around the country speaking at special events, visiting with subscribers, and keeping her eyes out for new stories to share with readers. While sheltering in place with so many others this spring, she decided to take to the road on a virtual tour with friends of the magazine who have recently published books on decorating, entertaining, and gardening. Follow Flower magazine on social media for announcements of upcoming virtual interviews. Learn about her book Living Floral: Entertaining and Decorating with Flowers (Rizzoli New York, 2019).

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