Whether or not Julia Child actually said, “A party without a cake is just a meeting,” it’s a sentiment I can get behind. And during the holidays, the same applies to cookies, candies, and puddings! FLOWER magazine contributors have shared some fantastic holiday sweets recipes over the years and these are some of our readers’ favorites.

Peppermint Red Velvet Cake from Amanda Smith Fowler

The Gardener’s Cottage “No Recipe” Almond Bark from Susan Endry

Five-Spice Gingersnap Cookies from Katherine Cobbs

Meringue Shells with Chocolate Ice Cream and Orange Chocolate Sauce from the late Julia Reed

Cinnamon Roll Blondies from Sarah Kieffer of The Vanilla Bean Blog

Pound Cake for Bee from Susan Endry for The Gardener’s Cottage

Coconut Pudding with Caramel Sauce from Alex Hitz

Pumpkin Crème Brûlée from P. Allen Smith

Connie’s Chocolate Sauce from Alex Hitz
By Jason Burnett