Our September/October 2021 issue is here! Subscribe, find a store, or explore FLOWER showhouse bonus features online
2021 Flower showhouse
Margot and Gates Shaw’s new dream house in the country does double duty as a FLOWER showhouse
Filled with art and comfortable places to perch, a long, narrow room off the front porch connects the living areas to the bedrooms and den
Exuding warmth, rich color, and character, this room is the ideal spot for fireside chats and movie nights
A gracious table and elegant setting invite family and friends to gather ’round
Awash in morning light, a bay with views of the fields makes a cozy breakfast spot for two
A pair of twin beds tucked in a cocoon-like space earn this room its playful nickname, the “snore room”
“Every element of this bath is a complete surprise and delight,” says interior designer Mary Evelyn McKee
Watch a complete tour of the FLOWER showhouse at Brierfield Farm, and find sources for every room and outdoor living space
Interior designer Mary Evelyn McKee’s deft hand with pattern, texture, and color is showcased in a restful retreat